Saturday, November 24, 2012

It's easily one of my favorite times of year. Depsite the shopping, the stress of finals, the snow that I have to scrap from my car and all the times I'll slip on the ice or burn my tongue on a drink that is way too hot. I love turkey, driving around looking at Christmas lights, decorating the tree, spending time with my love ones, the songs I'm forced to play on the piano and giving to those who need it, and those I was blessed with. As per tradition, many people made a list of all the things they are grateful for, of all the things they were blessed with, but if I was to make a list of everything in my life I was blessed with it'd be way too long. A house, food, clothes, an environment where I was always loved despite my faults. So I won't, instead, in this year of challenges consisting of hospitalizations, doctor visits, cancer, lost friendships and relationship challenges, I want to talk about how thankful I am for the people who got me through it.
My family is probably one of the loudest, most dysfunctional, loving group of people ever. I'm so blessed to have these people in my life. Parents I can call at midnight on my birthday, at 2 A.M to vent. Siblings who I can share everything with, Aunts, Uncles, cousins and grandparents who show me what love is suppose to consist of, how life is suppose to be moved by love. My friends and sisters who have been there for the long conversations, for every time I felt like I wasn't enough, to encourage me to try new things and to be there if I fail at those things. My boyfriend of over a year, who renewed my faith in men, who renewed my faith in trust and in love, who can sit with me and have a variety of serious conversations and then do a puzzle and have a tickle fight. A man who truly understands beings faithful and who loves me despite all of my imperfections. My high school counselor who caught me before I fell too far and was there when I wasn't sure how to stop. And of course, God, who I forget to thank all too often, for giving me all these beautiful people in my life.
To have these people in my life is not a right, it's a privilege, denied to many. So while I'll continue to curse the snow, my finals and everything in between, when it comes down to the basics I will always be thankful that I have so many people in my life that give me what truly matters. Love.