Friday, June 8, 2012


 "Only when the most innocent part of you suffers can there be change." 
We find heartbreak when we are suffering. We find pain, tears and sorrow. But we find strength when we are suffering. We find our friends, family and ourselves. What brings us pain can vary, from internal or external sources, at some point in life something attacks the weakest, most innocent, part of us and we wallow in that pity. Some of us want to fight back, to scream, some of us want to change and grow. To be the person we have always wanted to be. 
Lately I've made a series of mistakes. I could talk about how I want to take them all back, but I feel like that is a given. I spent time wallowing in how bad I felt, how upset I was, until I realized that there was a more proactive way to get through this. To come back from this. 
The quote that I used at the beginning of my blog comes from a miniseries called the Hatfield's and McCoy's that was on the history channel. I was watching it one night with my boyfriend, and the quote just stuck with me. Of course, a few days later the quote was very relevant to my life.
 "Only when the most innocent part of you suffers can there be change."
When we are suffering, we want to change, we want something to be different, we want to be happy. Right? I know I do. But staying weak, acting like you had nothing to do with your suffering, acting like there is nothing you can do to change it, is pathetic. I realize that it is time to change. It is time to be the person I want to be, have always wanted to be. We fall in a cycle, not realizing the people we could hurt or disappoint, and I don't know about you, but I don't want to be that person anymore. 
We all make mistakes, but only some of us accept the responsibility, only some of us change. You may not like yourself after what happened, but you can find yourself. You can become a better you. I know that's what I want to do. It's what I wish I had done long ago.
If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be? What will make you do it?

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