Sunday, October 21, 2012

Instead of showing love and appreciation for each other in physical ways, it has to be in words. Instead of going out with each other and going home with each other, we have to trust. It’s been using words when what you really need is a hug. It’s been texts saying I really want to kiss you, instead of just doing it, and typing good night instead of looking at each other and saying it. It’s been different. It’s been hard, it’s been a lot of crying and skype dates and phone calls. A lot of I miss you, I love you, I want you. Doing things with out each other that we really just want to be together for.
It’s making our relationship stronger. It's been missing each other, wanting each other, because everything is so much better when the other one is around. It’s being okay with only 72 days a year, because I’d rather have those 72 days with him than 365 days with someone else. It’s showing that sometimes it’s true that the best things aren’t the easiest.

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