Monday, April 4, 2011

Old People Love

I love old people love. & now you probably think I'm weird just like 90 percent of my friends do, but I don't care. Yesterday I was at Target with my roomie and there was an elderly couple in the baby section. You would imagine they were shopping for a grandchild but no, the old man was trying on baby hats and throwing baby blankets at his lovely wife simply just to make her laugh, and they laughed and held hands and then he kissed her and it was the purest and sweetest display of love I have seen in quite sometime. For me yesterday was a good day for love.

I love old people love because it proves almost any cynic (and I use to be one) wrong. No, not all older married people have been married for decades but the fact that love is still so possible later on in life literally makes my heart smile (I'm sorry for how mushy this post is). Most forms of affection gross me out, especially teenagers, there is no need to mac in the hallways, but old couples will literally kill me. My favorite part is when I look at old people, like my grandparents who have been married for fifty some odd years who hold hands in the car and kiss good night and still can make fun of each other and laugh, and I can almost see me and who ever I marry doing the same. The moments when you are doing something with someone you love and realize you could very well be doing it for the rest of your life.

I love old people love because it proves that love is always worth it, I mean who else is going to throw baby blankets at you.

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