Monday, April 18, 2011

Unconditional Sisterhood

I would've never gone to a school without Greek Life. Rather I had planned to be involved in it or not. But I always knew I'd join a sorority. My mom was in one, my friends that were older all joined one and I spent 90 percent of my time in high school surround by girls. Joining a sorority just made sense. So I rushed, and believe me being judge and having people fake smile and sing to me and tell me what I needed to wear every night was not something I was a huge fan of. I didn't understand how you can get to know a person and decide if they were like you and if you wanted to be "sisters" in 45 minute parties. But I got a bid, to a house that I love, but then I wasn't so sure. And I'm sure if I rushed sophomore year instead I could've probably ended up in a different house, but I wouldn't want that. Due to recent Greek events i've become thankful for my sisters. We fight about stupid stuff, theres back stabbing, clothes stealing and god knows we don't have the same views. I have even been in for a year and my comfort level is still a bit shakey but it is knowing that walking across campus I will see girls in the same letters I proudly wear and they will smile and wave, or help me decide what classes to take, or even just enrequire about a boyfriend or other problems in your life. Sisters build connections. And we aren't all alike. In fact very few girls in my house are, and thats the best part, stereotype us all you want but we are all individuals. What makes us so close is our ability to accept one another for who we are and to exsist peacefully together. And you can say we buy our friends, but I'm not paying my way into a sorority, I'm paying to have a house, to do fun things with my sisters and to help keep everything running so the my sisterhood can exist. And no my parents don't pay my fees.
So I guess I started off this year wanting to join a sorority for all the wrong reasons. Which is part of the reason I love the above video so much. I wanted to go to the parties, meet the frat boys and do all the stereotypical stuff, but I'm staying in it for all the right reasons. Because no matter how cheesy it sounds I love my sisters. Unconditionally.

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