Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Family Matters

The foundation of my life is my family. In the nineteen years I've made more mistakes than I'd care to admit but what always gets me is that my parents are always right. They say things like "don't date that guy he is not good for you" and what a shocker, rather its weeks or a few months later their predictions become true. Or simply when they say "No" (and I actually listen), I usually avoid getting into some sort of trouble. But even after I don't listen and all the times that I have laid in their bed crying over drama, grades, or even my siblings, they never say I told you so, they never say that I should've listened, they just sit there and try to reason with me. My mom and dad definitely played devils advocate with me. When deciding where I wanted to go to school my parents had very different view points on what would be the best for me, and I have no doubt that I would've enjoyed either place, but they make me think and I eventually choose the best one for me.
I'm lucky to have such great parents. We may not be the model family but after a year of college I never realized how much they let me be my own person. I'm more open minded because of them. In my house if you wanted to go to church, then go, but you didn't have to, and with political issues I always believed what I want but when we had disagreeing arguments I listened. Living in that house taught me to question my beliefs constantly but to always hold on to them. My views are my views, not my parents, and in college I try to test my beliefs as often as available. I went to a pro life speech about a women who as an infant survived an abortion. Yes, the process its pretty sick, and I listened to her talking about how much her life mattered until it got preachy and then I played brick breaker. Call me insensitive but I believe every ones life matters, including the mother of the baby. I will always say I'm pro life for myself pro choice for everyone else. But that's another thing my parents have taught me, to be respectful of others beliefs. 
I guess what I'm trying to get at out of my rant is always cherish your parents, they got you were you are today, and theres a good chance they know whats better for you than you do. & rather they were as positive of an influence as my parents were or not, just know they love you the best they can. My parents are my best friends & I couldn't be more lucky.

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