Sunday, August 7, 2011

It's NBD

In today's society many things don't seem like a big deal. Few people wait for their wedding night to have sex for the first time, possibly even fewer people wait till they turn 21 to have their first alcoholic drink and divorce rates are at 50 percent. People enter relationships with no intention of being faithful and cheating is something that everyone has some kind of connection to. Why is it that so many people cheat?
I believe a lot of people get married just because they think its the right time, not always the right person.
Cheating is something that has been a prominent issue in my life, with my family and with my boyfriends. Recently however I received an offer that wasn't only shocking, but disgusting. A married, 34 year old man, with a child. When I mentioned his wife he said that is simply wasn't the best marriage. What I don't understand is why people think when the marriage isn't working that cheating will help, and that when you and your significant other don't get along why you should stay together for the kid. Chance are you cheating on their mother with someone 15 years your junior is going to mess them up more than a divorce they will barely remember. If your interest in someone is fading, then break up, move on.
I believe that relationships are losing their value.
I can't even count the times that I was asked to cheat on my boyfriend in the past. And while I denied the offers it appears my boyfriend was exploring all the fish in the sea. The statistics itself make me nervous enough to not want to get married, the risk of being married, then bearing children for a man who will cheat on me and leave me, makes me nauseous. When did we start living in a world where monogamy was rare? When Hue Hefner made 7 girlfriends popular? Because even that man almost got married. When athletes and actors started in on these sexting scandals, or is it merely from watching out parents, siblings, or friends lie to their significant other about what is really going on with their "just a friend" or their "late nights at work".
They say most things are a 50/50 chance. It is  a yes or a no, it either works or it doesn't. But when did human emotion become so black and white, and when did the answer to cheating become yes, and faithfulness no? When did relationships become no big deal?

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