Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Without A Push There's No Reason To Pull

It is no secret that teachers make basically nothing. Anyone with a brain can tell that we are in need of an education reform. As a nation, our IQ is dropping, and if you are anything like me you don't need statistics to prove it, just day to day interaction is enough.
There are few topics that can make me become an active participant. Gay marriage, abortion, alcohol and education systems. For those who know me know that I want to be a teacher, and this blog isn't to rant about the flaws of the education system (although I could) but it is to explain to you why  despite the strains the system puts on teachers I still want to be a teacher for a whooping 40k a year.
I believe that without struggle there would be no reward.
Like many of you know I babysat 3 boys this summer (sadly this is my last week). Two of them had a speech impediment and lets just say they are all a bit unruly. They scream, and push each other down the stairs, when I say no they do it anyways, and they whine like nobodies business. Or at least they did at the beginning of the summer. I would come home completely exhausted. Flustered because one threw up on the floor, the other started crying because I couldn't understand them and then the last got a bloody nose. I literally thought my life had gone to hell and was considering changing my major. Monday night I realized how far the boys and I have come since those moments. As I tucked them in to bed one said "Night tourtney, me love you", and when the other asked me if I liked him and I said yes he said "well, i love you. you love me?" I cried all the way home.
I know now that pink milk means strawberry milk, that if I count first they can count to ten, and if I let them put their own shoes on they can tell the difference between left and right. They can even spell their names.
Every day I almost have a heart attack. When they run into traffic, when I cant find them at the pool, or when they jump off the wall even though I said no. But every day the boys learn something, and I get to watch that. If I had come into this and they were angels and did everything I said, watching them look both ways, or put their shoes on wouldn't be as awarding as it is now.
& that is why I want to be a teacher, because with great struggle comes greater reward.

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