Monday, April 30, 2012


You will be fine.

We always forget that. In the midst of finals, summer, break ups, moving, in the midst of change.We forget we will be fine. It's a typical young adult thing. Failing a class is the end of the world, your boyfriend, the one that was "the one", breaks up with you and you are destined to be alone forever, right? Well obviously this is wrong.

We think the end of the world can approach so quickly and come from such minor things. You don't marry your significant other from junior year of high school, or hell even your junior year of college. You will fail test, you will move, you will leave behind the people that meant more to you than anything else at that moment. And you know what? The world keeps spinning. I'm not trying to say these events don't matter, that they don't hurt, because they do. In two weeks we leave for summer, in two weeks I'm a junior and no longer living with my best friend. For three months we will all be scattered around the Midwest and will actually have to make an effort to see each other, but it isn't the end of the world. I'm nervous about a lot of things this summer, a few in particular that are really nerve racking, but you know what if it all falls through, it isn't the end of the world. It will hurt, just like things always do when they don't work out but  I'll be fine & so will you.

There are few things that actually will produce the end of the world such as a huge meteor for example, all the water disappears, we run out of food, things like that, but until then breathe because guess what?

You will be fine.

Happy studying!

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