Thursday, April 5, 2012

My Wish For You

I wish someone would tell you that the most important people in your life at this moment are not tied to you. No one ever will be. You can go through times of grief, happiness and anger together and then turn around one day and they will be gone. I wish someone would tell you that it isn't always something you did or didn't do. That it is completely normal, and okay, that you put everything you had into your friendship or relationship, intimate or otherwise, and one day it wasn't enough.

 I wish someone would tell you that it is okay to feel like you deserve more. Not just in romantic relationships, although that is okay too, but with jobs, with life. I wish someone would look you in the eye and tell you that when you lay in bed at night staring at the ceiling, thinking the same question over and over again "is this all there is?" that there is so much more. I wish someone would tell you that just because you are afraid to look for more doesn't mean that there isn't more. I wish someone would tell you that you are worth it.

I wish someone would tell you that you are beautiful, every moment of the day. From when you wake up in the morning to when you lay down in bed at night. When you are sick and pale, when you are crying and make up is streaming down your face. I wish people understood beauty in it's truest form. I wish someone would tell you that the make up you cake on in the mornings isn't necessary, neither is straightening your hair. I wish someone would teach you that beauty is skin deep, but most importantly I wish someone would show you they believe that.

I wish someone would tell you that you will never be prepared and that you should embrace that. Being prepared is overrated and by being prepared you miss out on so much of life, and I really wish someone would tell you that.  I wish someone would tell you that no relationship, no heartbreak, no death, no moment of sadness will ever be the same so you can't prepare. But I wish someone would also tell you that you are resilient and that while someone can bruise your heart, no one can bruise your spirit.

I wish someone would tell you that there is a difference between sex and love and that it is okay to separate them sometimes. I wish someone would tell you that your value is so much more than what a man or woman or society can place on you. At the same time I wish someone would tell you that you should never measure someone else's value.

I wish someone would tell you that there will be hard days. That memories can attach to buildings, to time, to weather, to a song. That these moments can come seeping in through windows, radios, and sneek into eye sight. I wish someone would tell you that there will be break downs in fabric stores, in grocery stores and at school. That sometimes you will have to hide your tears, or hide yourself. I wish someone would tell you that there is nothing weak or shameful in these moments.

I wish someone would tell you there are different kinds of love, there are different ways of falling in love, and love happens at a different rate every time. Love adapts as you do. Your love at 18 is different from your love at 20, and your love for some one will always grown, however sometimes disguised as hate. I wish someone, I wish that more than just one someone, would tell you that they love you.

I wish someone would tell you to live a simple life. To indulge in luxury, but at the same time to sew and cook. To clean your own windows, mow your own grass and paint your own living room. To pack lunches instead of buy lunchables and write notes in them every morning. I wish someone would tell you that a well timed hug or kiss will always heal you.

I wish someone would tell you these things because I wish someone had told me. You are beautiful, you are unique, you are human, but most importantly you are you.

& I wish someone had told me that all of that was okay, that all of that was always enough.

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