Friday, March 23, 2012

Things I Like To Do When I'm Mad

So we all get like this were we are so mad thinking clearly and rationally doesn't seem to be working. So instead of continuing to envision how'd I'd like to beat the crap out of certain people, I try to do other things, more healthy things. So that being said I bring to you my list of things I do when I'm mad.

  1. Craft- like any good sorority woman should do. 
  2. Cook- thank God I don't eat when I'm angry. 
  3. Work out 
  4. Blog :) 
  5. Try something new- like for example I'm working on getting my boaters licenses right now. 
  6. Clean
  7. Throw out old stuff- the last time I was truly upset and at home I disposed of all my high school memorabilia in a box and put it in the attic, while I wish I hadn't done so now, at the time I felt great! 
  8. Nap- if I'm asleep I'm not thinking about how angry I am. 
  9. Shop- Thank God I have a job that allows me to do this. 
  10. Drive around aimlessly and take pictures. 
One of my favorite songs to listen to when I'm mad or upset 

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