Sunday, May 20, 2012

Oh The Places You'll Go...

Dear Baby Cay,
"Congratulations! Today is your day. You're off to great places! You're off and away!"
-Dr Seuss 

You, baby girl, are the most beautiful inspiring woman, and today, the day of your high school graduation, I am so blessed to call you my sister. You are about to start an amazing journey, and while we leave our parents to join the empty nesters club, I know they are extremely proud of you too. We have gone through so much together, even in the past years with me being 200 miles away we were there for each other, on the phone crying, laughing or texting about how stupid school is. I'm so blessed to have had the privileged to be apart of your life, a life that I know many people are just as happy to be apart of. All of this being said I have some advice for you, like all big sisters should. 

First, don't be afraid to take chances, to get in trouble, to let go. People discover themselves in these moments. 
Second. Don't ever let anyone tell you who you are and aren't. No one will ever be able to define you, to stereotype you. You will always be better than that. And don't ever tell anyone who they are. You are also better than that.
Third. Procrastinate. Get it done, but take your time doing so. Some of my favorite memories from college have come from procrastinating. 
Fourth. Make friends with people you normally wouldn't, date people you normally wouldn't. Sometimes you find what you are looking for with out even knowing that is what you needed. 
Fifth. Be that girl. Not THAT girl. But that girl. The one who leads and doesn't follow. Be a lady, but be a strong lady. Be opinionated, stand up for yourself, but be polite. There is a fine line in being THAT girl and that girl, and you are that girl.
Sixth. On that note, be a bitch. It's a Wiley women trait that you must carry on. Right, Mom? 
Seventh. You have a past you can reflex on, you have a past that you can think of fondly. Remember that it is your past. You can't write the next chapter of your life while still living in the past. No one wants to read the same chapter twice. 
Lastly, always remember you can come home, and know that you can have more than one home. The first time I referred to school as home I felt guilty. Don't. Your home will move with your heart, and your heart will always have room from multiple homes. You will always have a family that will be here for you. Remember you are blessed. 

So congratulations pretty girl! I love you, I couldn't be happier for you, and remember this is just the beginning of something so much bigger. 

Love forever and always, 


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