Thursday, May 17, 2012

Time Capsules

Alfred Hitchcock once said, "we seem to have compulsion these days to bury time capsules in order to give those people living in the next century or so some idea of what we are like." But it seems some of us bury time capsules for more immediate purposes, not to let people know who we were a 100 years ago, but to let ourselves know who we were four years ago. Or that is what we did in high school. We would make them freshman year and open them the week before graduation in the cafeteria. It is funny, it is sentimental, but mostly it was a right of passage for a lot of us.  It's hard to believe that we can change that much in four years, or as I reflect now, that we could change that much in two. We can see the difference in gas prices, in music, social media, and maybe even physically, but mentally we grow so steadily we don't realize it. Reflecting on the past can be tricky, we can get stuck there, wishing that was how things still were, missing those moments, but it is so important to reflect so we can continue to grow. To appreciate the past for making us who we are, but leaving the past there. I think that is one of my favorite things about these time capsules, they always have a "what I think I will be doing in the future" section. It is fun to compare that with now, but it is even better to think of all the things I may do in the future that I can't even imagine. You can't write your next chapter while living in the last, there is a reason the windshield is bigger than the rear view mirror.

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