Thursday, September 8, 2011

Pro Rights Has Never Felt So Good

Beliefs are like a penis.
It's fine to have one.
It's fine to be proud of it.
But please don't whip it out in public and start waving it around.
And PLEASE don't try to shove it down my kids throats!
(revised from "religion is like a penis")

 We all have them, beliefs that is (not the penis part). I stand by mine, I vocalize mine when the timing is appropriate and I have never been disrespectful to someone else while protecting mine. Drake University has this group, pro life. Its exactly what it sounds like, an anti abortion group, and let me tell you they are making themselves well known. Last year they had a "grave yard" set up in the green space, with crosses for the number of children aborted in a month, they use side walks as their billboards and write things such as "Abortion is the worse form of child abuse". And they have stickers saying "I find it funny people who are pro abortion were born." And that phrase, pro abortion, really grins my gears. There are few people, probably no one, who is pro abortion. There are few people who want everyone to abort every baby that is ever conceived. Pro choice, however, is giving people the right to do with their bodies as they feel necessary, kinda like the right that is allowing this group to take the chalk and write their incorrect messages on the pavement.
My point of my rant is that its okay to have beliefs, and its okay to share them with others, but every time I look down at my feet and see "choose life!" I want to stomp on someones face. There is a time and a place for certain topics, and my walk to Econ at 11 A.M. isn't it. So while this group is out at midnight writing on the sidewalks, I'm going to be practicing my belief of pro rights at club dub or in my bedroom.
& just to add the the dynamic of the last sentence, this is one of my favorite songs recently.

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