Sunday, January 8, 2012

Eskimo Brothers

Even though being promiscuous is less frowned upon these days, talking about premarital sex still seems pretty taboo. We all know that sex is meant to be recognized as one of the ultimate displays of affection, meant for those we love, and a very intimate jester. But I also think people forget sex is fun. It could be a one night stand after visiting a campus bar/house party, or a long term relationship, sex should still be fun. For both, consenting parties and I can't imagine too many people disagree. We all secretly want the hot sex that people fantasize about in all these random ass places, however we have such a double standard in society. Girls have a libido, some even stronger than that of our male counter parts. We enjoy sex, and don't always have to be emotional connected to the person we have sexual interactions with, just like males. But if a guy sleeps with a bunch of people in a few months he is "the man", he gets laid, he pulls the ultimate TFM. If a girl sleeps with the same amount of people in a few months she is a slut or whore. Now it is true that females usually label girls more than males but boys do it as well. Recently, someone I follow on twitter tweeted about how he didn't understand how some guys can go for certain girls that literally make them Eskimo Brothers with everyone. And it is such a double standard because this guy has hooked up with numerous girls as well. What is wrong with a guy liking a girl who has hooked up with other people? I've had a lot of conversations with different guys who have had sex with over 10 girls, and yet a girl, who has slept with 6 people, is a whore. In fact some of you reading this probably weren't even phased by the first statement. And that is what is bothering me. We all agree sex should be fun, boys want to have sex, and yet when they met a girl who is willing to have sex with them she is a slut or a whore for doing so?
Males get some, females give it up. But men, with out those fun loving ladies you and your hand would have a lot more quality time together.
The College Town Life has a pretty great article about Sluts and Whores so, READ IT!

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