Friday, January 27, 2012

#ThingsIHate (afraid)

Love doesn't last. It isn't natural for two creatures to be together for the rest of their lives, why do you think divorce rates are at 50/50 right now? Humans are one of the only species that attempt to mate for life, with many failures.  Love has been made to be material. No one wants a marriage anymore, they just want a wedding. We aren't made to love each other for that long.
Did I get your attention? Seems a bit harsh?
I use to truly believe all of that though. I use to really be afraid of love. Notice I use the word afraid, not hate. Hating love is cowardly, and I'll admit I use to say I did, but the word hate has become interchangeable with afraid.  We don't hate snakes, we are afraid of them, I don't hate love, I'm afraid of it. There is a quote that says we aren't afraid of heights, we are afraid of falling and that we aren't afraid of the dark but of what is in it. I'm afraid of a lot of things, maybe more than the average person, but my fear of love is directly connected to my fear of divorce.
I've written a lot about my parents relationship, but it is said that children of divorced parents are more likely to get a divorce. Parents need to understand that we grow into what we see, if they love one another, we learn to do the same. The best thing a man can do for his children is to love their mother. So when I use to express all these negative things about love, was I protecting my true fear of not being love? That "forever" doesn't really last "till death do you part". By saying I hate love, as oppose to being afraid of it, I don't have to say that I'm afraid of failing in a relationship, or of not being worthy of being loved.
But I don't hate love.
Not one bit.
Not at all.

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