Sunday, October 2, 2011

My Tattoo

For a year people have been asking about the meaning of my tattoo. Its a thick, black peace sign on the top of my right foot. My response is usually just that I like peace signs, I'm a hippie at heart, pretty typical things. But the peace sign is much more to me than that. As I have talked about before my parents fight, a lot. I have always been aware of violence and hate and as a child I had to go to therapy because of some irrational fears I had. I'd go in and we would make these worry dolls that I could put on my bed to protect me. I was afraid of fires, of my parents dying, or of the house being broken into. Every night either ended with me laying in my bed bawling or laying on a mattress on my parents floor. They would leave to go to the grocery store and I would stand and cry at the window till they got back. I was in 4th grade. This was when I started to draw peace signs. Compulsively. I would get nervous and trace them on my wrist and would draw them in class to stay awake. The habit never got kicked. I still do it today, but surprisingly after learning the meaning of the peace sign I began to feel relaxed by it. Which is why there is one on my foot. I don't have to tell you the evils of the world, or that life is hard, but when I see my peace sign I calm down, it is like having a security blanket always attached to you.
So that's why.

P.S I'm in an awful mood sorry if this sucks.

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