Thursday, February 16, 2012

As Strong As The Tables We Dance On

We all have those people we take for grantee, and lately I've been thinking a lot about someone who has been there for me through some of the hardest moments in my life. We meet at the very beginning of June 2010, but their presence in my life didn't become important until the 16th. After a messy break up and some sad status quoting John Mayer's Dreaming With A Broken Heart, I received a facebook message that would forever change my college experience.
Ladies and gentleman, this is the story of how I met my beautiful roommate, Sarah.We were in the same orientation group, in the same FYS, and after a brief conversation on facebook about how much boys sucked we were roommates. We spent the rest of that summer texting, me detailing my cousins weird wedding to her and she would tell me about her drunken adventures, or drunk text me from DMB. Then the day came when we moved in and our parents left and after we both stopped crying we realized it wasn't that bad, because we knew each other. We fell into this routine with each other, of when we ate, where we went out, what we wore, when each other had class, of rearranging our room after every relationship ended, and finally sleeping every night on the futon together and being referred to as the Grandparents from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
My roommate is a beautiful person. She says what she thinks and she means what she says. She doesn't judge me and I have never had someone endanger their lives so often to come cuddle in my bed when I'm upset. She chased me to my car after one of the worst break ups of my life, she drove to and from Kansas with me when my dad was in the hospital, she made me laugh after my Aunt died, and she holds my drink while I pee at Dublin. We have the best pregamming conversations, and our room is always a mess. We don't have the same political beliefs and yet remain respectful and she is the only person willing to have pillow talk with me every night and we always are in constant communication.
I can't imagine what my college experience would be with out her and I'm so glad I won't ever find out. Today, while we worked out I realized how truly important she is to me, and how even though next year we wont be together all the time like we are now, there will never be any thing that could change our friendship.

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