Monday, February 13, 2012

One Year Anniversary

It has been one year since I have started blogging. and about 140 post later, apparently I still have things to say. But blogging has taught me a lot about myself, which I suppose is how self reflection should work. It has taught me that I'm irrational, that I blog best when I'm angry and I have the worst grammar. It has taught me that I have friends that care enough to read my thoughts and that my thoughts are important, if not to others, then at least to me. I've analyzed my beliefs, and shared them. Most importantly it has taught me that I really hate proof reading.
I started blogging February 10, 2011. A year ago I was at a very different point in my life, in fact my first blog was all about the difference between being in love and loving someone and both of those people are minimal factors in my life now. I've grown a lot sense then and I think my blog has helped me with that. Between that time I have experienced things I never expected to and took the people who read this with me on the ride that derailed my life for about 6 months.
With that being said I want to thank the people that encourage me, aka you guys, to use this as a format for expression that isn't harmful, and for respecting what I say no matter how incorrect the information or grammar is.
So to end this blog, and I promise I'll post another one tomorrow about Valentines day (which if you need proof about how much I have changed you should go read that one), but I'm going to post some of my favorite blogs for your enjoyment :)

Peace, love and gap.

1 comment:

  1. Reading through some of your old blogs and then some of your more recent ones, it is amazing to see how you are becoming who you are meant to be and how much you have grown. You are absolutely incredible Cwiggy. Don't ever let anyone tell you otherwise. I love you long time.
