Wednesday, February 15, 2012

February 15

I've always had a weird relationship with Valentine's Day, a relationship that has grown weird as my feelings towards romantic relationships have changed. This year I spent Valentine's day with my wonderful boyfriend, we went out to eat and watched movies, and just spent time together. Which is exactly the point of Valentine's Day, to spend time together.
I have never really celebrated Valentine's Day, unless you count getting caught by the police hooking up in the back of a car as "celebrating". So it was nice for once to do something, however besides the exchanging of lovely presents and societal pressure, last nights dinner and a movie was just like Friday nights building a fort and playing Mario. Or Sunday morning watching Spike TV and talking. Valentine's Day has all this pressure behind it, that if you ask me, makes the day harder, not better. Yesterday was just like any other day, me and my boyfriend enjoyed ourselves but we also had problems. Valentine's Day is suppose to be a day of love, or appreciation, but I can honestly say that every day I feel like Brandon cares for and appreciates me. The little things he does, the moments he calls me baby and gives me that look make me crazy about him every day. He makes every day better without even trying on any given day of the week and yesterday was no different. We had good moments, and we had bad ones, but at the end of the day I was still laying in bed, in his t shirt, thinking about how I couldn't be any luckier.
Which is why I'm writing this today, and not yesterday. I think love is great, and I think a day dedicated to it is pretty fantastic, but I think every day should be lived with love. So Happy February 15 readers, go out there and show someone you love them.
Let love lead.

1 comment:

  1. I really like this. Valentine's Day is kind of like just another day because our guys can show us they love us in other ways. I didn't even get to see Daniel (or hardly talk to him) yesterday but we spent the weekend together and that's what counts. :)
