Saturday, June 25, 2011

All Is Fair

The difference between the old ballplayer and the new ballplayer is the jersey.  The old ballplayer cared about the name on the front.  The new ballplayer cares about the name on the back.

All my life I have liked the loser. The Chiefs, the royals, and any other team really with more loses than wins. I will go through great strides, a lot of embarrassment and fail attempts, to  protect my team and have other people put faith in them. From my 5 year old self, with my face covered in red and yellow paint, my hair dyed and my GO CHIEFS sweatshirt on sitting in the car for a 3 hour drive, every Sunday of football season, I have had this mentality, Somewhere down the line my active support of losing sports teams has gone from that to my dating life. Ask my friends, I date real winners. I've dated someone physical abuse, I've dated a few emotionally abuse, almost every guy I have dated has cheated on me, they rarely have jobs, a lot of them aren't the brightest light bulb in the closet, and a few even had a Class A soap opera ending to it. But if you ask me (and I will still say now) these guys are great guys. We are friends, they were also so nice so and so further. Ask my friend Jenny or my friend Sarah and they would roll their eyes and say "who? that idiot?".
I also cheer for one big school, KU. I can't watch the games on sound because I get too emotionally invested, and sometimes I can only check the score or I go into cardiac arrest. They are the big shots. I wont ever tell you all those guys on that team are good guys, a lot of them are ass holes. They think they are hot shit and they barely pull through each game. When they lose one I always believe they deserve it (except to MU or KState, no one deserves that). I'd like to say I date these guys to, the guys that are always scoring but I don't. I'm usually just another winning game, and who really obsesses about a winning game. These big shots, are the one night stands of college.
I also cheer for the underdog (my college sports teams). The people who rarely win, but you always want them to. Who practice and practice at being good but their record makes it look like the mascot was playing the game the entire time. These are the people i should date. The ones who don't have moves or lines because they are genuine guys. They want you to meet their parents, and when you are hooking up they turn the music up so his roommates wont hear (chivalry isn't dead). But in reality with these guys they are pretty hard to find, because usually you are either a big shot or a loser.
There have been times I think I have found an underdog I can turn into a monogamous hot shot, and it usually back fires when I find out they are cheating on me. Love is a lot like finding your perfect team, you want the good guys, who win, who are honest and who don't cheat. You want someone you will fight to the death for to protect the fact that they are good guys. I think for a lot of us that's the perfect team and perfect man, but in all reality the cliche is true, all is fair in love & basketball.

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