Wednesday, June 15, 2011

A Letter Almost Never Sent

It's only when you grow up, and step back from him, or leave him for your own career and your own home - it's only then that you can measure his greatness and fully appreciate it. Pride reinforces love.
Dear Daddy,
First off happy early fathers day! It's been quite a year. When you moved out in April & missed my last spring show I cried, oh did I cry, And when you had to miss me moving into college for my freshman year that was hard too. But in February you almost missed the rest of my life. It's hard to tell people about how scary that was, because when you say someone almost died, they focus on the almost. Watching you lay in that bed all I could think about was what if the almost wasn't there. That's the only what if of that day. There was no what if about what would've happened if mom hadn't come in that morning before work. You would've died. If we hadn't taken you to the hospital that early you would've never seen this letter. Through out the day we watch as your blood sugar wouldn't lower, we watched you struggle with breathing and trying to escape the bed, things that you can't remember. The doctor even said you might still die. You remember nothing about that day, but I could describe it to you in a heart beat with every detail. The way I looked at you changed that day. I would sometimes not answer your phone calls out of laziness, or not scratch you back because my TV show was on. That day I would've killed to be able to talk to you and to scratch your back. Even writing about it now makes me cry.
You have always been there, when I choose not to do sports anymore, despite your sadness about not being able to coach me anymore, you still came to almost every recital. And even when I got sick at the age of 19 you still wake up and come into my room and hold my hair back for me. You taught me to drive and to ride a bike, and you always answer my calls, and when I really need you, you come get me. You have helped me through a lot in this year, ex boyfriends, some big issues, and even home sickness. & When I need gas money you always try to help (which by the way.. :) ). I thank God that on this fathers day I get to write you a letter, and that I get to buy you a present and go out for dinner. I'm thankful that my biggest concern is that I will be gone and you will be home alone, and I'm thankful that I'm going to the lake and not visiting your stone. I'm thankful for every day before and since that you have made me smile and laugh, and I couldn't be happier that I still get to dance with you in the kitchen. You are the best dad I could ever ask for and no matter what happens in the next year I know it will only make us stronger. I'm truly blessed with your presence every day and I honestly can't wait for all the other events we will be given through out the wonderful life that you get a second chance to live.
Happy Father's Day, Daddy.
I love you,

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