Monday, June 20, 2011

Hidden Miracles

Miracles come in moments. Be ready and willing.

One moment can change your life. No day is ever like the one before, and who you are right now will not be who you are when you wake up in the morning. If today taught me anything it is to live in the moment, but to live responsibly. To treasure every moment because no moment will ever be like that one. Each day brings us a new challenge, and no matter the outcome of the challenge we are forever change. No matter the outcome there are always some what if's. Today I was blessed and cursed at the same time, and no matter how I deal with the challenge that has been presented I know I will always wonder what if, and I hope that the people who surround me will support each decisions I make for the rest of my life and know that no decision was made lightly. Respect those who love you, like you would want the people you love to respect you. And the people you carry with you on the journey you take you must always realize that your choices affect them as much as their choices affect you. My life as it is today is nothing like I would've ever imagined it, even two months ago. And the support that I have received has come from rare and unusual places, and for that I am grateful. I know this seems a bit of a rant, but isn't that what life is? A series of unrelated events that in the end become so related it is almost heartbreaking.

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