Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Peace Predator

For fast-acting relief, try slowing down. No one can achieve inner peace by pouncing on it.

We all have hectic lives with work, school, family problems, and relationships. In a day there are very few times I feel like me. Where I am not stressed and no one is talking to me. It is usually in the car on my way places, if I'm not on the phone that is. When I'm listening to my "hippie music" play list on my Ipod & driving with the windows down, drinking my favorite kind of tea, peace tea. Those are the moments I am relaxed. & I like to drive as far as I can on metcalf and park on the top of this hill and just breath, or sit on my yoga mat in the morning and just relax before a crazy day. To fully come out of yourself, to forget about all your problems for 3o minutes a day & just achieve inner peace is what keeps me from going nuts in this crazy world. Peace is something (if you actually know me) that is very important to me, hell I have a peace sign tattooed on my body. Being born in the early 60's would've been just dandy with me. If you ask me, which you are since this is my blog, peace can't be achieved through out the world unless you start with yourself. Recently I stumbled upon a list of things to do to start achieving inner peace & while I have been doing them for a few weeks (and it works!) I thought I'd share them with you to make a happier, healthier, and more sane you!

  1. Drink mostly water. It is good for your body and helps you relax. If you need caffeine (like I do sometimes) drink tea or eat and apple, avoid coffee and energy drinks they have alot of sugar that affects your mood. 
  2. Take 30 minutes a day and sit somewhere alone with no technology. Sip on your water and just sit there. You will be amazed how this seemingly boring idea can relax you.
  3. Have a spot that is just for you. Rather is a hill, your room, a playground or a parking lot try to go there at least once a week if not more and watch the sunset or rise, its a great way to start or end a week. 
  4. Keep a journal of some sort. Everyone knows it isn't healthy to bottle up feelings, but sometimes it isn't the right time to share them. Instead of holding them in write a blog (cough cough), or a journal, or poems or even songs or pictures. 
  5. Have an activity you enjoy doing that causes little stress. I like blogging or riding my bike for instance, or even reading. You could sew or do crafts. Feel your free time with these things instead of watching tv or being on your computer facebook creeping.
  6. The less time you spend on social networking sites a day the better. They are fun and great to have, but the longer you spend creeping on random strangers the more of your life you are wasting and you might develop this thing called Facebook Depression. It is a real thing. Look it up. 
  7. & Finally eat as many fruits and vegetables and things grown in the ground (take that as you may) as you can. The natural sugars are better for you and make you feel better than any candy bar or chip ever would. It is the old saying of you are what you eat!

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