Sunday, June 12, 2011

The Years in Your Life

"It's not the years in your life but the life in your years."

Tonight I sat around a bonfire talking about all the stupid stuff we use to do and the stupid stuff we still do (like having your 6 foot 4 friend throw you over his shoulder & carry you home almost every weekend). It is safe to say my maturity since graduating high school has decreased. But I like it that way, I always say I would rather live a life i love  than following the cookie cutter life style. I drove around looking at houses that look nothing like the ones I'm surrounded by and I stumbled upon list of things to do in order to live to be a hundred (don't smoke, drink ONE glass of wine). But all these things are putting restrictions on what I like to call fun. When looking at schools my options were a school I love for a lot of money I didn't have, and a school I liked for basically free. In my mind & my dads I was going to the second one, and I would've been happy there, in fact who knows I could've liked it more but at the time it broke my heart not thinking I'd get to go to the school I love. This was the first time I felt money restricting me, and as an education major (something I love to do) I realize that money is going to be a restriction the rest of my life, but with encouragement from my mom and a spontaneous trip I determined that life was too short not to attend a school I adored. Life is too short to let money or people restrict you (although there are some limits).  When someone tells you you can't do something, that should give you all the motivation to do it.
I couldn't tell you everything that happened between my 18th and 19th birthday, I can tell you that it was a year, yes, but it was a year that changed my life. The time that passed was nothing but a marker for me to use when reminiscing, and the events that took place were everything in my world. So live it up, drink it down, and don't hold back. Put life in your years.

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