Friday, May 6, 2011

First Star I See Tonight

The simple things in life are the ones that matter.

Last night only proved to me that alcohol isn't always necessary for fun. I, expressing my true nerdy side, and along with my friends went and watch the meteor shower out in the middle of no where. Not only was I convince that out in the boondocks of Iowa we were going to be murdered, but I also ended the night with a nice wound. After situating on the hood of the car, then again on the trunk we witnessed some pretty awesome streaks of meteors. Sometimes its nice to get away from the city and see true stars. We took silly pictures and ate taco bell in celebration of Cinco de Mayo, and it was the most fun I've had all week. It was a moment where for once, in a really long time, I didn't feel like I was disappointing anyone, I wasn't worrying about what I was wearing or how I looked, I laughed, screamed, and literally stared at absolutely nothing. I felt like me again, in the simplest form. Which brings me to my last thought about the beautiful meteor shower. The last time I watched one was in August right before I left for college, last night I was watching in May the week before I leave to go home after my first year in college... weird. & Laying there I reflected on how much has changed between those two times. I lost many loved ones, I almost lost my dad, I made a huge mistake, and took a couple of chances with new and old loves, and then fell right on my face. But most importantly, while I lost so much, I gained more than I could ever imagine. I was afraid of losing my high school self, my high school friends, but when I finally realized that if they were worth anything than they wouldn't disappear, and that is kind of how it worked. To say I love the girls on my floor would be an understatement. To say my roommate is the most beautiful and honest person I have ever met would be too. I'm excited to go home, to spend time with my family, but if I could stay here all summer I would in a heart beat. I lost alot between those meteor showers, but I gained so much more, and last night I saw more meteors shoot across that sky than I did back in August. Coincidence? I think not.

The night also consist of me trying to convince my friends this was the best song ever. Right guys? :)

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