Monday, May 23, 2011

Year By Year

There are just some moments in life when you realize that a year really isn't that long. Today was one of those for me. I was running in my neighbor hood this morning and realized a year ago today I was laying on my friend couch in the basement with 3 of my friends totally hungover watching movies the day after my high school graduation. It was a good start to an amazing summer. Now, I've been running, made breakfast, skyped, printed off pictures from my freshman year of college and am now blogging. But it seems like yesterday I was laying on the couch with those three goons watching movies that I still can't even remember today. And now I only talk to one of them that often, one of them every so often and one of them not at all. There are moments, where a year isn't that long but the events that happened in the year seem to last a life time.
I drove around with one of my best friends a couple days go, my little sister Caylin. We talked about the events that have made up our school year, from my dad being in the hospital, my graduation, me leaving, joining a sorority, getting in trouble, losing something I had held on to for 18 years in a way I never thought I would, losing friends, gaining friends, and a lot of deaths. It wasn't an easy year. It was a rewarding one.
To say I don't miss high school wouldn't be a lie, but it's not really the truth either. I miss my friendships from high school, the unbelievable bond I had with those girls on my dance team that could never be replicated no matter what. I miss my friendships with the people in my grade. I miss a lot about high school. But thats normal, rather we want to admit it or not, you wont ever have the history you have with your high school class with anyone else, rather you talked to all of them or just a few select people, we all went through an amazing amount together. But I gained a new type of friendship with my family and a new type of friendship with all sorts of girls that I love dearly (aka my roommate & C1).
A year isn't that long, when you are sitting in the first class of the semester in August a year can seem like an eternity, but the way you live your life in that year, the events that happen and the events that effect you and change you, well in some way, I'd like to think, one year can last a life time.

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