Tuesday, May 31, 2011

I Hope They Serve Vodka In Hell

If the Westboros Baptist Church is what is in heaven then I think hell is going to suit me just fine. If you don't know about Westboros Baptist Church, type it in to google, its one of the few things that actually makes me ashamed to be from Kansas. I won't ever say I hate the Westboros because my hatred for them would make me no better, but instead because they hate something I love and believe in so strongly, I'm just going to love it more. The comedian Lisa Lampanellia, was promoting her book in Topkea, KS (home to the church) when they decided to protest her show. Lampanellia made it known that for every person who showed up to protest with the church she would donate a thousand dollars to a gay mens clinic. 44 people showed up to protest her show (congrats Fred Phelps, your family showed up!) and she donated 50,000 dollars. Their extreme hatred of homosexuality baffles me. In my world I believe that no one should be allowed to tell you what to do with your body or what you do in the bed room. But I guess the bigger picture I'm getting at is the characteristics that qualify someone to go to hell. People say that they don't care if homosexuals get married as along as it isn't in the church because it goes against the bible. So does being drunk or getting a tattoo, so if you want to apply that then I won't be getting married in a church either. People say that it ruins the sanction of marriage, I think someone should talk to Britney Spears and Arnold Schwarzenegger about how "precious" their marriages were to them. The divorce rate is 50 percent, I don't think anyone is risking too much. Homosexuality is close to my heart, I have family members that are gay and friends that are as well, and I would never want to see someone hold them back from being happy because their sexual orientation is sending them to hell (bullshit). How can you say that this person can fight for their country but they can't get married, that they can die for their country protecting your arrogant self but Fred Phelps right to freedom of speech trumps their right to having a peaceful ceremony? If we are living by the bible so hardcore then if I do recall God says to love everyone, so the hatred of Westboros Baptist Church, or anyone who looks at someone else who is different and feels hate, is contradictory & it's looking like hell is going to be a bit overcrowded with all of us down there, I sure hope they have vodka if I'm sharing a space with Fred Phelps for eternity.

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