Saturday, May 21, 2011

From Point A to B

Lets talk for a second about the term "end up with". We use it all the time (ex: whoever I'm going to end up with, wherever I end up). I've decided that I hate it. Now fair warning my blogs until I get back to school could be the strangest ones yet, when you spend most of your time with little kids its hard to think clear. However, on my way home from work one day, and through a long thought process I thought back to when my friend told me that it was just all about ending up in the right spot. But we don't truly end up any where do we? There's a story behind every move, and to me the term "end up" makes it sound like something you don't really want to do. I would never want my future boyfriend or husband to say that he "ended up with me", actually I would prefer something more along the lines of "this is my beautiful wife that I am so lucky to be married to", but that's beside the point :). I believe that we don't just end up somewhere. I believe that, yes there is a plan for us, but that we don't make all these decisions to just end up somewhere, we go where we are suppose to. We do what we want, what we need, what is fulfilling to us, and to end up somewhere sounds like settling, which none of our wants and needs should ever be. Now I write this as an optimistic 19 year old sophomore who still believes in love and that things will happen in my favor the majority of the time, so maybe in 40 years if I'm unemployed, single, and bitter my thoughts will be different. I know what happens to those people who end up homeless, divorce and many other things, they don't (usually) choose for these things to be the out come of their endeavors, so yes maybe sometimes we do end up somewhere, I'm not naive, out of most of my friends I know best that life happens, that we are not invincible but I like to think the bad things happen so that good things can come from it, a new appreciation is made out of the wreckage. I don't know about anyone else but I sure as hell don't want to "end up" anywhere and I never want anyone I'm around to feel like they just "ended up" there either. Ultimately I like to think I control my travels through life and that my destination is ever changing at my will.

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