Monday, May 30, 2011

Kansas Princess

Since the beginning of August I've had to constantly say that no I do not live on a farm, nor do I own a tractor, I don't only like country music, and yes my town is larger than just my family. I fight like crazy to make it known that my "accent" isn't an accent its a speech impediment I have had since I was little, and that while yes there are farms and fields, my town has a population of 175,000 and is the Top 7th place to live according to CNN. I sent a lot of time fighting to the bone that I wasn't a country girl. But I am. I live in a suburb & have my whole life but if I could I'd live on a farm somewhere in the middle of rolling hills next to a lake. I own a cowboy hat (and wear it), I'm always in the mood for country music, Tim McGraw was my first crush, I like to run around barefoot, I'd rather walk or boat somewhere than drive, I'd rather drive 30 miles to get groceries than 4 hours to get out of a city. I say and do some of the most red neck things & although I hate spiders and snakes, I love nature. Sometimes I even say y'all. I know people who describe cities as beautiful, but I think cities are cool and landscape is beautiful. I'm a country girl. I want to live in Wyoming and have a house at the lake, drive a couple of four wheelers and jet skis, I want a huge truck. I love the country & I love who I am, so poke fun all you want but just know there are farm lands in all states, and Kansas isn't the south.
I went to Table Rock this week no cell service, it was beautiful. I'm not all about technology being a bad thing, in fact I think its great, but for 4 days I was not able to talk to anyone but the people I was with which was fantastic. I wasn't ever worried about where my phone was, no one could bother me with their drama, and for once I could breath. I won't lie my phone being off had a lot to do with having no service but it doesn't change the out come. I got to think a lot and explore some things about myself that I've always wondered about. I missed the people I usually talked to but that made talking to them on Monday so much better.
So I guess I just want to say this, live your life as much as you can now, turn your phone off and stop denying who you are because of some stupid stereotype.
"You are never more alive then when you're almost dead."

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