Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Belief # One

Do you smile like this?

We've all seen these commercials, crooked teeth, yellow teeth, missing teeth, all sorts of reasons to cover your mouth while smiling, apparently. And besides my stomach, butt, and boobs, my teeth have always been my biggest insecurity. I have two transposed teeth, and my teeth aren't the normal size of adult teeth so they gap in random spots. I've had braces, twice. I wear my retainers every night, and brush and floss (and no I'm not lying, my dentist doesn't read this). But those things don't make your teeth grow, and I can't afford to do so. But despite all of my insecurities about my baby, twisted, teeth I don't smile like that. And when I smile one of my eyes squints so half my face looks Asian (no racist). I hate pictures of myself. But I still smile anyways. & Why do you ask? Because one time, JUST ONCE, someone I loved told me my smile was unique, and that it was beautiful. 

So, belief # one: I believe flaws are the most beautiful thing about a person. 

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