Saturday, July 9, 2011

The Planes Going Down

My roommate tells me every day, you can't make someone care more than they do. On the surface I know it's true, if you care more chances are you are just annoying to the other person. Deep down however I have always thought I could make someone care about me more, or even make myself care about someone more. I have friends and family, like my roommate and my mom, who I know would do anything for me, and even if its been days since we talked we pick up just like we use to. We understand each other on a certain level, we care about each other deeply and equally. I have friends who I don't talk to for months, friends that I just hang out with when I'm back at home or at the bars, and I care about them, probably as much as they care about me. Then I have friends, usually ex boyfriends, that I care about sure, but they clearly care more. And they are good guys, guys I wish I could care about. My neighbor and I have had a back to forth flirt fest since 3rd grade. He is a great guy who loves me, he would do anything for me, and try as I might to make myself care more about him I just can't. And this is what I'm slowly realizing, if I can't make myself care, how could I ever make someone else. Lastly I have friends, a specific one is on my mind, who has been in my life through numerous events, but to say that that person had been there for me through them wouldn't be true. Our history is one of a kind (one I hope to make money off of with book sells... jk) but he isn't the most dependable person. I don't know how many people who are reading this know what it is like to be friends with someone for so long and not know if they actually care, but it's confusing. The opportunities to show someone you care are endless, but when it comes down to the big things, like when my dad was in the hospital, you truly know who cares. The girls on my floor, hell even my hall mates boyfriend, made me cards and my roommate drove with me back and forth from school& home. My friend mentioned early didn't even call.
Moral of the story, you can say you care but that doesn't mean you do. You have to show emotion not just say it. I'm not saying don't be friends with people who don't care about you equally, but expect less from them. Expecting someone to be there for you during a tough situation and them not just makes it harder on you. Think of it this way, no matter how much you care about someone, if they wouldn't answer their phone, would you call them as your plane was going down? 

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