Thursday, July 7, 2011

Falling Out Of Like

I will always love you but I don't really like you anymore 

It's a strange thing, love for friends and family. I make fun of my sister or my brother but the moment someone says something mean about them I will be at their throats. As much as you say you hate one of them, you know you don't. There are family members who continuously love their spouses or parents or children even if they are in jail or abusive. It's a funny thing how love will always last, but its liking someone that fades. I love my friends, every single one I have ever had, the ones I talk to and the ones I have lost touch with. But everyday there are a few friends I realize that while I will always love them, the choices they make are making me not like them very much. And maybe that is part of growing up, making different choices and realizing how you differ from one another, but I don't understand it. I have a friend I have loved in so many ways, but after failed attempts at seeing rather or not they care about me, and choices made on both sides maybe its something that is left to be love but not like anymore. It is a friend I never thought I'd lie to but I told the biggest lie, a friend who has changed my view on the world forever, rather that is better or for worse. So if you are reading this, I love you but I don't always like you, and I'm sure the feelings mutual some time.

^I just love this song. 

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