Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Lace Up Their Shoes

Being let down consecutively can put a strain on any relationship. Now rather it is because you have too high expectations, or the other person just sucks is subjective, but the end result is painful nonetheless (did anyone else know that is only one word, holy guac!). There is a saying that goes "an eye for an eye" now if you take that saying in a more positive twist, you would expect that if you would do something for someone they would return the favor. But lets not be naive, it rarely works that way. So should someones lack of support and affection be a reason for you not to show either of those to said person?
I believe, no. You should always show care, patients and affection for someone, even if they don't reciprocate. 
Currently, I am sitting here at my kitchen table, waiting for a text from my best friend as to if he is coming over or not because he needs to talk (also this is like the only way I ever get to see him). Yup, friend of the year right here (not really). But I've done this before, and while I may be ditched for a significant other, a TV show, or for just being tired, I'd do it any day for my close friends. 
My roommate, Sarah, seriously has some kind of telepathic power and knows just when I need to talk to her. Like when I got in trouble in December she was awake at 5 am when I texted her, or when my dad was in the hospital and I called her she answer at 7 am (all impressive times for a college student, unless of course we haven't gone to bed yet). And I know that she wouldn't only do the things she does for just me (I like to pretend that is so) but I also know not all of her friends return the same attention. 
There is something to be said about "being the bigger person" about people who would do anything for someone close to them even if the act of kindness wouldn't be returned. This might appear I am on some kind of high horse, but I'm not. I have friends that I will sometimes hold the fact I'd do more for them than they would do for me over their heads (how mature of me). My point simply is just because someone doesn't treat you well doesn't mean that is how you should treat them. People show affection in other ways, and some not at all. But you should never pretend you care less than you do, you have to be as real and honest as you can be, and if that means going the extra mile for someone who wouldn't even lace their shoes up for you, than do it. (however don't ever be a doormat, all things are good in moderation! I'm assuming the people who read this are smart enough to know that though. Also be nice I've had serious writers block but knew I needed to write something.)

I love this band & this song. :) 

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