Sunday, July 24, 2011

Bingeing on Love

I was in kindergarten and infatuated with this black, curly headed kid, Stephon. And by infatuated, I meant only with his hair. I'd chase him down at recces just to pet him, but sadly this common interest in his hair wasn't enough to keep up together to our old ages. Our first real taste of love comes later in life and is bittersweet. It almost like when you take a drink of a clear liquid thinking it is water, but it's sprite. Its cool, refreshing, but not what you expected and the end result of drinking something you weren't expecting is always different than anything you could have ever fathomed.
I was in 6th grade when I met my obsession of about 8 years. He's hair stuck out like a veranda (which btw on Damn You Auto Correct veranda is changed to vagina a lot), he was damn smart (still is) and his older brother was a total babe (he still is too). To me he was the bees knees (the boy, not the brother). By junior year of high school I thought I really loved him, wanted to be with him all the time, always wanted to talk to him. He on the other hand, could text me once a week and be satisfied (I swear I wasn't a stalker). We went to college and one thing lead to another, and we ended up wanting different things. But see, I thought he loved me. And after a few years of "I love you" "I love you too", fights and swearing that one day you will get married, it all crashing down after a week long drinking binge was just ideal (especially after I walked around the parties all week swearing having a bf was no big deal. Apparently my bf felt the same way). Like most break ups, I morned a day, and sometimes after still had trouble talking about it. I went through the period of hating love, but after a week I realized I didn't even really know how to have a relationship. The only "normal" one was based on a lie that I had believed! And if I could be easily fooled once who says it wouldn't happen again.
Yup, that was it. I was done dating. I'd wait till I was 30, join the Christian Mingle site (60/40 percent chance they are straight, 50/50 that they are virgins, & 100 that they live with their moms) marry them and have babies. Fuck love.
But by the end of June I was surprise surprise, I had bounced back. Which brings me to my belief.

Belief # four: There are all types of loves in your life. Puppy, first, true, and so on. I believe that no love is greater than the first, that the love is just different.

I don't believe in soul mates, and if I did with my luck, he would be gay or infertile (I honestly couldn't even tell you which one would be worse). I know there are first loves, and at this moment in my life I can't ever imagine loving someone more, but I know I'll love someone just as much one day. And for now that's the only support I need.

Angus & Julia Stone are brother and sister, and amazing singers. I find something about her voice so captivating. Their cover of the Grease song, You're The One That I Want, is absolutely beautiful & so is all their other stuff. 

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