Monday, July 25, 2011

Str8 Against H8

My mom is one of eight kids. Her youngest sibling, my Uncle is gay. Now take a guess at where he lives?
Did you guess?
He's married. And him and his husband are the cutest, most in love people I have ever met. Being a dancer for 15 years, I have my fair share and more of gay friends. And I love gay people (I bet you can guess what this belief is).
I belief that: Gay people should have the right to marry in all states and in all churches and should be recognized as a couple in all institutions.
I know, you bible thumpers like to fight that the bible says a man shall not lie with a man as a man lie with a women. That being a homosexual is a reason to be stoned. But the bible I'm reading says that God loves everyone, so you can just cath-o-lic-my balls. Oh and of course the people who say that homosexuals can't marry because marriage is suppose to be sacred, cough cough Mark Souder, then cheat on their wives. Sacred my gay loving ass.
I also have friends who believe that gays should be allowed to marry but not in the church because it is against Gods will. Excuse me, so are divorces and infidelity (another reason to be stoned in the bible) so whose getting married in churches now a days? Tiger Woods?
People don't choose to be gay, anymore than straight people choose their orientation. We say that other countries that don't allow women to show skin, or work, who forbid them from a list of things, are immoral, and we don't allow two people that are in love, who just so happen share the same sex organ, get married. That's being hypocritical. Homosexuals don't choose their sexuality, anymore than those women don't choose their gender.
This is one of the only things that I could possibly agree with Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie on (her lips freak me out). Marriage is just a piece of paper if not everyone can rejoice in the love that it is suppose to be.

I believe in gay marriage and rights. I also believe someone should shove a cock in Fred Phelps mouth.

Amazing video, from an amazing website BUY SOMETHING AND SUPPORT GAY MARRIAGE!

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