Friday, November 25, 2011

Confessions of a Rebound

To be the rebound girl you have to have certain qualities to keep yourself from getting over involved, trust me I speak from experience. There have been numerous times I have been the rebound but have tried to convince myself that wasn't the case. After a few years of being the girl that sends boys running back to their exes or springing them forward into new ones, I'd like to think it becomes more of a science than anything else.
First off you can't fall in love, can't even think the word, use it or even a word that rhymes with it. If you start to think you might maybe love this dude then you need to peace the fuck out, because you have just lost all ability to be his rebound. Also don't ever make the mistake of thinking you are his only option. You aren't. He will prove this when he goes back to the girl or gets in a serious relationship two weeks after he kicks your ass to the curb.
Most importantly, you are for fun! Don't forget that, just because this wont end how you want it to doesn't mean you get to be a bitch the entire time. You are suppose to be fun. Don't evoke fights and don't ever EVER tell him what he can and cannot do.
As the rebound you have no right to sleepover or ask him to sleepover and you have no right to leave anything in his room. Once you are done doing your rebound duties you exchange small talk grab ALL your stuff and leave. No reason to make anything awkward but don't just hang around, if he wants you to stay then do.
As a rebound you don't just satisfy sexual need, because then you'd just be a FWB, but you also have to study together, eat together and talk. Meaning you have to be there when he is drunk and crying to when he is stressed and being an ass because of a test. You fulfill all the duties of a girlfriend without being the girlfriend. A rebound can go anywhere from a week to 6 months, don't think just because you've been around for awhile you aren't still the rebound. Trust me. You are.
You have to be hard as rocks. You can't let little comments shake you and you have to know when to bow out without getting hurt. If you don't you are no longer the rebound but the wanna be. There is nothing harder than following in the foot steps of some great girl, but someone has to do it. As the rebound you pave the way for his healing heart, show him there are good girls out there (no not you, although you are fabulous) and then set him free.
It is a tough job, but someone has to do it.

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