Monday, November 28, 2011

For The First Time

As I have more relationship one of the things I regret the most is that amount of "first" I can have with someone. That one thing i can have that is just between me & him. But the restrictions that come with this isn't just because of me but also the guy. I believe that society has a lot to do with this. As a whole premarital sex isn't that big of a deal anymore. I hear girls almost every Saturday  or Sunday morning talking about the random guy they hooked up with the night before and I wont lie, I have been that girl. After a conversation with my mom over break however I realize how we run out of things to give to someone. We do our first time holding hands, our first kiss, our first I love you, our first time having sex & then after that comes ways of having sex, places, meeting someone's parents or going on an over night trip with them for a weekend. All of these moments and then you slowly run out. You meet the one and you can't have these shared first together because for everything listed one of you has already done it. it isn't that it makes the moments less significant but isn't it nice to think about the moments you two only share together and with no one else.
I'm not saying that the number of first you have together is any measure of your relationship and my rant could possibly just be a product of my craziness. What I am saying is that sometimes sharing moments of first can bond you together even long after the relationship has ended. You have those moments to look back on that will always be yours, you have each become a part of each others history forever.  For example I talked to my first kiss for the first time since middle school. It was nice to catch up, to see where each other was and were we each wanted to go. We talked about old times and while there were no romantic feelings left between me and him we still have a bond that I can look back on fondly.
I'm all about living in the moment but am I the only person who is afraid of running out of first. Afraid of meeting that one person and having to tell them that I will always love them but I can't give them anything that somebody else hasn't already had?
Maybe I am. But maybe it is something we should all be worried about.

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