Monday, November 21, 2011

The Elephant in the Room

If I could describe my mood in a song it would be My Stupid Mouth by John Mayer. After a weekend of drinking, swimming and all sorts of stupid events I have found that I once again have said too much.
It is a problem I have always had, I think it's actually why I have my blog and why maybe I should be the only one able to read it sometimes. I ramble, I become desperate for something to say and then when I say it, it is so dumb. But I guess that is why they say think before you speak, right? You can't take back things you have said no matter how hard you try.
So then what do you do?
As I lay here in my bed nearing the hour of 3 AM, I reflect on my choices. I went from fairly harmless, to totally tragic in about a tequila sunrise and a half. From blabbing something about someone not knowing I was on speaker phone, to confessing my love before I was ready, or even drunk texting my mom about boys, you would've thought I was the newest sports car by how fast I went from zero to fucked.
But I've slowly come to the conclusion you have to move on. Apologize for what you said if necessary, blame the alcohol, the situation or just take full ownership. Either way you have to realize that people don't always think things through. If someone is willing to judge you enough that they change their entire perspective on you by one stupid thing you said then chances are they shouldn't have ever been your friend in the first place (unless of course you meant what you said in which case..) & I will be the first to say that I need to change my ways too. I need to be less loose with my thoughts, which again should be another reason this blog because just for me.
As much as I wish I could go back to friday and saturday night and change what I did and how I dealt with situations I can't. And unless I address them it is always going to feel like there is an elephant in the room.
Live & learn. My stupid mouth.

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