Thursday, November 3, 2011

Life In The Fast Lane

Cause when your hourglass runs out of sand
You can't flip it over and start again
Take every breathe God gives you for what it's worth
Don't Blink
-- Kenny Chesney
Something I notice more as life goes on is that each day, month and year go by faster than the previous one. But life seems to move like this in more aspects than time. Upon coming to school I entered this "relationship" before labor day even happened. We went from studying together, to talking, to grabbing meals together, to spending a few nights together, to literally living with each other in a matter of days. About a month later it was over. And that is how I saw a lot of things happen relationship wise around campus. People would start dating and all of a sudden they were attached at the hip. I'm guilty of wanting to spend an ungodly amount of time with the person I like but why is it that college brings this change? Are we so desperate to grow up, to have some bragging story to tell to our buddies back home, or just someone to bring home for a weekend?
Is that we think we are suppose to do? So we don't have parents around to tell us what to do, so I'm going to sleep in my boyfriends bed every night. Because these things are new, being able to eat, study, drink and sleep next to the same person uninterrupted (unless of course you go to class occasionally), do we feel like we have to be doing them constantly? Or do we just really have the desire to be there all the time? Is it the feeling of being in their arms that makes you want to sleep there? What is our motivation for having these relationship on fast forward?
Everything comes fast in college; test, weight gain, drugs, alcohol and sex. But is it possible that emotions do as well? That beneath the on going struggle of text books and the haze of a black out we aren't just rebelling but actually caring for another human faster than we thought was possible. At a time in our lives were we are suppose to be selfish, slutty and irresponsible, is falling in love something that can actually happen?

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