Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Say What You Need To Say

Alright, my roommate does these all the time and it has been a while since I've done one. So here goes nothing. Although, I'm not saying who is who. Only three people read this blog, you can figure it out.

10 Things to 10 People
  1. I feel like ever since I went to college this year we have grown apart. You never answer my phone calls and every time you do it is like once we get through the basics we have nothing to talk about. You've been my best friend for years and it scares me to think that you may think I don't need you like I use to when really I need you now more than ever.
  2. We have become so close in the past year. I can talk to you about almost anything and you have been giving some kick ass advice lately. But I wish you took better care of yourself. I get nervous when I wake up to texts about your coughing or other things. I know you can't stop with the beer but you know you have a problem too. I just wish you would let us help you. I have to talk to you about it in a few days and while I'm scared and I don't know what I'm going to say I know if I don't I'll regret it once it is too late.
  3. There has been such a huge change in the dynamic of our friendship since freshman year. I don't know if it is because we realize this is our last year living together, or that we both have kind of started to take different paths. We can't go to every class together or lay in bed all day. We both have jobs, boyfriends (ish), different classes and different organizations which has def changed our social scene. But I am so grateful for the friendship we have been able to maintain. I can still have awkward conversations with you about anything. If this year is teaching me anything it isn't that we are going to grow apart, it's that even though we will be apart we will still be friends. Who else can I talk to about period sex or faking orgasms with?
  4. You have become such a hypocritical bitch this year. Okay so your major is hard, change it. You don't want people to grab your boobs? Don't go out in what you wear. I get it you have a boyfriend, so instead of flirting with the Fiji at dinner maybe you should start acting like it.
  5. It is crazy when I look back on how long we have known each other and compare it to how our relationship is now. I absolutely adore you. I love everything about you and really hope this whole thing can work out. I know I'm absolutely crazy sometimes and I truly am working on it. I love that you can open up to me about anything and that we have already worked through so much. You are really special to me. I know we both get self conscious but you really are handsome and fantastic and anything I could've ever asked for in a guy. So promise me something. Don't break my heart?
  6. I don't know why after all these years you texting or calling me is still one of the most puzzling occurrences. You have really grown up, and I know your life hasn't gone as planned but you are at least making something of yourself. While I tell myself the dinner in summer was a bad idea, in some ways it helped me realized two things. One: Why we broke up and why I am oh so glad we did & two: Despite my subtle hatred for you, I will always care about how you are and what you are doing.
  7. I'm glad you are happy. I don't know if you believe me when I tell you, but I am. It is incredible how it doesn't hurt to talk to you anymore after everything has changed. I'm so happy that you are comfortable with who you are and you have found someone that you like. I wish you would stop talking to you know who because I think all he is going to do is fuck things up. I love you forever. I'm so glad you are always there for me, from giving me advice to spell checking my papers. You are the best.
  8. I just want you to realize that you are beautiful. That you will never get what you deserve from a boy. You have been my role model for years and when I think back to all the time we spent together from crying to laughing to hiding I realize that you have made me a better person. I am forever changed because I know you and I'm internally grateful for that. When I think about some of the things I endured that I never spoke up about it hurts me that it could've happened to you because I wasn't courageous enough. But I guess I will never know. I love you, to the moon and back a million times.
  9. I love you, really I couldn't ask for a better friend sometimes. You are always honest and give me a reality check when I need it. But you need to know that you have to calm down on the harshness of some of the things you say. In your case it isn't always what you are saying but the way you say it that is the problem, and I really believe it is going to disrupt any future success you hope to have.
  10. You need to get your act together. I love you but you have made some awful decisions in your life and they are affecting me and our family. You are old enough that you need to be able to support yourself. So stop acting like you are 15, because no one has any interest in taking care of you.

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