Friday, November 11, 2011

Where Everybody Knows Your Name

Like many of you know today is Veterans day, and while we pay tribute to our armed forces I would like to give special recognition to a good friend of mine. Like any relationship we have had our ups and downs, and most of them I can't remember. But last night was our last hurrah for a while. Or at least until 2012.
Yes, I am talking about Dublin. Rather it was nights (cough days) like freshman year Halloween when it forced me to get sick in the middle of the commons or like the night it granted me the opportunity of touching RB's boobs it has always been there for me when I was thirsty beyond belief on a Thursday. And while last night was a blur past ten, I'd like to pay tribute to my dearest friend by counting the 10 things I have learned from our a little over a year friendship.

  1. Dublin makes me love everyone. EVERYONE. You spill my drink, I still love you. You dance rape me, I still love you. 
  2. I have learned what it would feel like to be an extra in porn. Yes, people having sex in the corner, I can see you. 
  3. On thursdays if you dump your ice out in the garbage can you get more drank.
  4. You can also dump in on the floor and watch bitches fall (Cough cough sarah dropping our PMAC last year)
  5. The bruises I wake up with aren't from dancing. They are from slipping and falling on the floor. 
  6. You can get laid every time you go to Dublin. Every. Time. 
  7. There is never toilet paper. But there is always some drunk girl in the bathroom passing out napkins. 
  8. Dublin has a weird power over me and my roommate. 
  9. It is acceptable to wear anything from an outfit that would make your grandma proud to an outfit that would make Hugh Hefner roll over in his grave (ha joking. He isn't dead yet.) 
  10. Nothing is ever a big deal. Law suits? We will be open in a month. Busted last night? See  you at 8 P.M
There is something to be said about a place where you know everyone. Where being the first girl there isn't a bad thing and being off your ass by 11 is never frown upon. I had my first make out spree, my first cigarette, and my first id taken away there. From kissing girls for shots to dancing with my psych lab professor or my orientation leader, I made some of the best memories I will never remember at this fine establishment, see you in 2012 buddy. 

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