Thursday, November 24, 2011

& I Couldn't Ask For More

On Tuesday Maddi came home with so many thanksgiving crafts it was ridiculous. One of them was a picture of five people with the caption of "I am thankful for my family." When I asked her who the fifth person was (their family only has four) she looked at me like I had just asked the dumbest question possible and said "Well I couldn't forget you goony."
I proceeded to ask both Maddi and Mason what they were grateful for and I got the answers I was expecting: family, friends, hockey and Maddi said corn. On my drive home that night I reflected on the things in my life that I take advantage of every day. There is a quote I came across saying "Imagine if today you woke up with everything you thanked God for yesterday." Now as I sit here watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade and my mom makes breakfast, I'd like to share with you an oh so typically blog post about 10 things I am thankful for.
  1. I'm thankful for each and every person that has affected my life. This being my family, friends, Theta sisters, my wonderful roommate, my boyfriend, and the soldiers that fight for our country. But it also includes the people who broke my heart, got me in trouble and have irritated me by questioning my beliefs. I'm especially thankful for you. The challenges I have faced from my encounter with you has made me stronger than all the love in the world ever could have. 
  2. I'm thankful for the 6,935 chances I have received in life. Every morning is a chance to change something. You are never the same person from day to day and I'm thankful for every morning I've woken up and have been given this chance. 
  3. I'm thankful for self expression. Dance has always been a large part of my life and writing this blog has become a way of healthy expression. We are all truly blessed to live somewhere where we can express ourselves in anyway (legally) we deem fit. 
  4. I'm thankful for my education. Not only do I get to experience Drake Relays, a wonderful sorority, and crazy crazy weekends, but I also receive a spectacular education. Not everyone in the world can say that and I can't wait to use it to benefit others. 
  5. I am thankful for how I was raised. I never didn't feel loved, I was raised in an environment where I could develop my own opinions and was constantly reminded of those worse off than me. I was taught the importance of helping others and not to trust anyone. But more importantly, I'm thankful that I was loved at my worst, in the past, present and in the future.
  6. I'm thankful for my religion. It has brought me closer to my grandparents and has allowed me comfort in times when it is hard to believe there is any good in the world. It hasn't always been a large part of my life but with the development of its importance through out the years I'm thankful for each sermon I have heard and each Sunday morning, for the hour I feel closest to truly being me. 
  7. I am thankful for differing opinions. For without them we would all be the same. And without the arguments that sometime come from them, my opinions wouldn't be as strong as they are. 
  8. I am thankful for support. It takes a lot of help to recover from self injury and I'm thankful for those who have always offered a  helpful hand even when they don't understand. But I'm not just thankful for the support I receive but the support we can all give to each other. Whether it is after receiving a bad grade or bad news, sometimes just having someone being there is enough to be thankful for. Never having to go through anything alone.
  9. I am thankful for being young and stupid. For having more time to make mistakes and to realize that the things that happen aren't the end of the world and that I have time to recover. Each broken heart, bad grade or ticket isn't ever going to define me as a person but just get my closer to where I truly am suppose to be. 
  10. I am thankful for peoples ability to hold on to what little innocence is left. It could be something as simple as choosing hot chocolate over coffee or flying a kite and coloring. In a world were the average grade to lose your virginity is in the 8th grade, it is refreshing to know that all hope isn't lost. 
So Happy Thanksgiving. Enjoy the holiday and be thankful for who you are and how you've become that way, from the good to the bad.

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