Thursday, November 10, 2011

Sweet Dreams

Like most girls I have a series of test I use to tell if I am comfortable around someone. I've had people tell me its weird, but I think it is very important for you to be able to sleep around the people you keep company with. I have had boyfriends or even friends that I'm too nervous to fall asleep around because I feel like I have to entertain them or I can't stay asleep just because my body and mind can't calm down.
This is a major problem.
My first experience with sleeping next to someone was essentially my roommate. After years of sleeping in my own room I was shoved into a 15 by 15 foot space with a stranger who one the first night told me she was almost suspended in fourth grade for sexual harassment. It is like colleges are asking you to get raped or killed upon entrance. 
Not saying that any of those things happened with her. Surprisingly enough the lovely Sarah has not only provided some excellent pillow talk but she can be a damn good cuddlier too. Yes. You heard me, we have slept in the same bed. But there has never been a time when I couldn't sleep with her there, there have been times where she has been gone and I can't fall asleep at all.
Then there was this phase with a boy. Who for the life of me I couldn't sleep next to. He was either sweating too much (yes just as sick as it sounds), or took up too much of the bed , or couldn't touch me at all in his sleep (this is a major problem with me when it comes to relationships, ask any of my ex boyfriends, I love to be touched). Needless to say this boy didn't last long. A few uncomfortable nights on the futon and he was told to GTFO.
So in my test, when I can sleep by someone and want to sleep by them again, when I can wake up in the morning and not want to crawl out of my skin because I'm covered in their sweat, or the person is still holding me just like the night before or having to get up and leave sounds like the most unappealing thing since the time my mom made brussel sprouts for dinner. Well this person is a winner.
There is that quote from Dr. Seuss "You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams." And for me, to an extent, it's true. I know that when I sleep next to someone I really like I sleep better, I'm comforted with the fact that when I wake up they will still be there. And when I sleep with out them I miss them or wake up a lot through out the night to respond to a message to said person.
Yes, I think it is important that the person can make you laugh, you can do crazy stuff together or do absolutely nothing together. I think it is important you are comfortable enough for them to see you with out make up on and in sweats, or that you can change in front of them. But if you can't sleep beside each other, not talking or having sex but just sleeping, then how can you say you really are comfortable?


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