Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Back to the Future

I've always believed that in order to be in a relationship with someone you needed to know and understand almost everything about them. However, upon entering college I realized how improbable this idea was when you haven't known the person since the first grade. It wasn't until recently that I realized it isn't really even that important to know much about their past unless it is going to effect your future together. I won't lie and say I can accept this fact with arms wide open, especially considering I am fairly open in what I have experienced, but it does make more sense. So, with help from my roommate, we have collaborated a list of five things that just aren't necessary to bring up in relationship.
  1. Any of your ex's. Unless they gave you an STD, sit outside your window every night, or there's a chance they are going to try to off me, it isn't necessary to bring them up. 
  2. That one time, with those one friends, when you did that one thing. Yes, we love hearing your stories, but we don't need to hear a variation of the same story every day. We get it you have friends.
  3. Any of your sexcapades. Let us think we are the second (I'd like to know about the loss of your v card) and let us think we are the best. It may not be true but don't worry we know that too. Without it being said. 
  4. We don't need to know every single thing you are doing. If you are doing laundry and a quarter rolls under the machine... that's great, but unless a clown on an unicycle comes wheeling in while you are getting it, I probably don't need to know.
  5. We like knowing about your childhood, and we like seeing the photos of you as a child, but unless stories like the first time you rode your bike are more relevant to a situation. Please don't feel the need to tell it.

So lets be realist, something I am absolutely horrible at, if it isn't going to affect you and your new partner, if it doesn't mean you have to lie about something, and it isn't something that is going to pop up randomly later, then there probably isn't a need to mention it unless asked. This doesn't mean you shouldn't tell stories, that is always encouraged, but somethings just aren't necessary to discuss. Typically your significant other doesn't care when you took your first steps, or that ex you had who did that one thing in bed, as long as you tell them what is important that is all that matters.

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