Monday, December 12, 2011

An Emotional Virgin

People lose their virginity at various ages, for various reasons and usually have various emotions about it. To some it is whatever, others cry. Some don't know the person they lost its to last name and other married the person and are living happily ever after. Losing your virginity is something that is a very personal thing, but for some "losing your virginity" is only physical, not emotional.
Casual sex is something that society has made more acceptable by producing movies like Friends with Benefits and No Strings Attached. People seem to have sex with absolutely no emotion involved. At some point in life, unless you are a nun or priest, you lose your physical virginity. Something I would define as the actual act of having sex for the first time. The repeated thrusting and grunting we all experience at some point with someone. However, not all of us lose something I like to call your emotional virginity at the same time as this caveman like endeavor. I know I didn't. Your emotional virginity is so much more than your physical. It is having sex with someone you love and knowing they love you.
I can only speak so much of emotional virginity as I am still a holder of that card but I imagine I'm going to cry when it happens.
I can't imagine what being in love with someone you are having sex with is like. How backwards is that sentence? I guess when it comes to me talking about this subject of emotional virginity, it becomes something like a virgin talking about having sex, I'm the farthest thing from an expert. And to talk about something so deep and personally when I truly have never been in love is hard. But I can assume your emotional virginity is so much more than your physical, just like a kiss with out emotion is nothing compare to the electric kiss you experience when there is emotion. I can wish I waited, but I didn't, and I guess that is why people tell you you should, I know it is why I will tell my children too, if I ever do love someone. I'm envious of my roommate, my boyfriend, my friends that have had the connection with someone and lost that emotional virginity.
So I don't really know how to end this blog, because I'd like to think this isn't the end. So I guess I'll just leave you with some inspirational quote that is suppose to make me feel better.

True love never dies for it is lust that fades away. Love bonds for a lifetime but lust just pushes away.
--Alicia Barnhart

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