Monday, December 12, 2011

Wasting Time

So this might be hard to believe since I basically blog about every day but sometimes I literally can't think of a single thing to talk about that is worth while. Some of you may argue nothing I say is worth while but then maybe you should stop reading this. So in an attempt to waste more time before studying I want to blog about something I briefly thought about a week ago. Don't worry it is a list.
I truly believe that there are somethings that everyone deserves to have in a relationship. So while driving to work one day (yes safe) I made a list on my phone and I'd like to share it with you.

Everyone deserves someone who is ....
  • Always excited to see you. Whether it has been an hour or a year since the last time you were together. 
  • Someone who knows your favorite color, food, flower, movie, type of music and all of those trivial things.
  • Someone who is proud of you. Who wants to show you often and wants everyone to know that you are theirs and they are yours. 
  • Someone who will hold your hand and kiss you in front of their friends. 
  • Someone who will be goofy with you. 
  • Someone who will be honest even if it causes a fight but who will fight without raising their voice or a hand and will never walk away. 
  • Someone who wont go to bed angry. 
  • Someone who hugs with both arms. 
  • Someone they can't keep their hands off. 
  • Someone who loves them when they are sad and happy. 
  • Someone who can tell they are sad even when they refuse to say so. 
  • Someone who respects you, your family, and your friends. 
  • Someone who would never put you in an uncomfortable situation. 
  • Someone who is faithful. 
  • Someone who will take you home when you drank too much. 
  • Someone who will hold your hair when you are sick and rub your back. 
These are just a few of the things everyone deserves. There are a lot of mediocre things in life, love shouldn't be one of them. 

Also for some reason I keep thinking about this blog I wrote awhile ago so if you are procrastinating like myself please, read up! (fair warning this may be my next blog)

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