Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Steal Your Attention

"And I'm gonna love you like nobody loves you
And I'll earn your trust making memories of us"
-- Making Memories of Us: Keith Urban
For most college couples winter break can really make or break a relationship, especially if you are just starting out. Trust, like most know, is something that plays a huge part in relationships. It can actually make or break one. It can be the only reason we believe "No, baby nothing happened" and the only reasons we refuse to. It causes fights but can make us believe anything. Trusting your partner when they have no reason to tell you something isn't easy.
Entering winter break was really nerve racking for me, I made sure to say a quick good bye to my boyfriend so I didn't get sad and ruin the last few moments we had together and jumped in my car and watched him walk to his in my rear view mirror. I've always had problems trusting boys but he has always been different, so why shouldn't I trust him? And that mentality, dear readers, is exactly how this break has been working.
With trust you don't only have to trust the person not to do the wrong thing, but  trust them to tell you when they mess up. It is so easy, especially over winter break, for couples to hide things from one another. Who is going to tell? How will the other find out? These questions shouldn't ever play a factor into being honest with each other. Winter break is so hard because we are away from those we have grown so fond of at school and yet we are excited to be back with our old friends. Trust is something that is so fragile it takes years to build and moments to destroy. So my question for you, when your boyfriend or girlfriend says "No, baby nothing happened" do you believe them?

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