Thursday, December 15, 2011

Study Break

It is great to have people in your life who are always exciting and have these great ideas for things to do, but there is something to be said about being able to do nothing with someone and still have a great time.
Tonight as a study break me and my boyfriend, Brandon, decided to drive around and look at Christmas lights. Since neither of us are from the area the adventure was a bit spreaded out. But we held hands, kissed at stop lights, and sang to music from his iPod. Literally everything from Scotty Doesn't Know to an amazing song called Feet. We talked about a mutual interest in water towers and rattled off random questions. And in those moments I learned not just things about him but things about us. And he will read this and think I'm crazy, but he already knows I am. His singing voice is incredibly attractive, despite what he says, I even tried to convince him to record a Christmas album. He has some deep country feel to it that would make any Kansas girl want to wrap into his arms. And after asking him a question and having identical answers, and this is where it might weird him out (so fair warning), I texted my roommate saying he's perfect. And you know he is. We didn't do much of anything. We wasted gas and saw small town Iowa. But he makes me laugh and he deals with my bullshit like a champ and sometimes that is really all a girl can ask for.

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