Wednesday, December 28, 2011

One of the Only

It seems that a lot of my blog post have been inspired by movies, although it is that time of the year to just lay around so it makes sense. A scene from Country Strong is the inspiration for this post however. Again nothing spoiler alert worthy but if you haven't seen the movie you really ought to. There is a scene were Beau goes and picks up Kelly from the bar and she is laying in the back seat with Chiles and she tells Chiles "Be nice to Beau, okay? He thinks he's so tough but I ain't never had a man be so gentle with me. He's one of the good ones. He's one of the only good ones." And that is the phrase that gets me every time.
I think we can all say that we have had our share of failed relationships, I know that in the past I have dated some real winners (please note the sarcasm). But how do we know when we have one of the "good ones"? I think it is when, like she said, someone who seems so tough but is so gentle with you. Someone who is so amazing you worry someone is going to steal him away even though you trust him so much you know he wouldn't ever do anything to hurt you. Someone who doesn't just love you in spite of your flaws but loves your flaws too.
And as I watch this movie I got to thinking about my own relationship and how he makes me feel. When I first met Brandon, or the first time I consciously remember meeting him, we were sitting outside and he was trying to find a ball they cut in half earlier, after failing to do that he pulled a knife out of his pocket and cut one in half. He had on cowboy boots and a leather jacket and I can remember thinking "why the fuck does he carry a knife?" He had this thing about him, that all of my ex boyfriends had lacked, he was protective. My friends always say that he looks tough, and he does, maybe its the beard of jacket but I love it. I love that he looks protective, in fact there isn't anything that I don't like about Brandon. But he had something else all of my other ex boyfriends had lacked, he was sensitive too. He laid with me in the dark when I had a migraine, he gives me a jacket when I'm cold, and he listens when I talk. He accepts my flaws and I can always expect him to be honest with me, and vice versa. He's one of the good ones. He's one of the only good ones.

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